The basics: What is API?

API, which stands for Application Programming Interface, is a term used in programming that refers to a collection of defined settings, protocols, and tools for customizing certain applications, such as QR codes. When API is used in QR codes, users can customize how they are presented according to their specifications. 
Visualead API allows an automatic generation of Visual QR Codes integrated with any image. With the help of our platform, the mundane QR code takes on a new and colorful life, drawing the attention of the customer in an appealing manner. Many clients prefer to use API to match their needs for whichever purpose they are going to use the codes for. 

Visualead Visual QR Code Generator API supports Visual QR Codes creation on a large scale and includes all the necessary quality assurance for the Visual QR Codes to be visually appealing and reliable at the same time.

Using Visualead's API, our clients and partners can automatically generate Visual QR Codes on a large scale and integrate them within their services and applications. There are a number of options for integrations that can be made using Visualead's system. 

  • Combining image and data in a Visualead QR code
  • Different destination pages in one QR code
  • Do-it-yourself QR code generation

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